Catalogue Services and Actions

Revision for “Catalogue Services and Actions” created on December 14, 2014 @ 19:38:49

Catalogue Services and Actions
The IoTResource Catalogue offers a number of services which can be listed using the the following REST-expression:<strong> http://&lt;catalogueendpoint&gt;/services</strong>. If you type this into a browser the result will be: &nbsp; <span class="block"><a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-252 aligncenter" src="" alt="catalogueservices" width="300" height="274" /></a></span> Each service provides a number of actions that can be performed on the IoTResource. The <em>catalogue</em> service provides the main functionality of the IoTResource Catalogue. You can list all actions provided by a service with the following REST-expression: <strong>http://&lt;catalogueendpoint&gt;/services/actions</strong>. The returned XML specifies the action and the arguments needed to call it: <a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-254 aligncenter" src="" alt="catalogueactions" width="267" height="300" /></a> &nbsp; Below is a short explanation of all actions: <strong>GetAllGateways</strong> Returns all  gateways known by the catalogue <hr /> <strong>GetErrorIoTResources</strong> Returns all IoTResources that are in an error state,for instance that have disappeared from the network without telling about it <hr /> <strong>GetIoTResource</strong> Argument: resourceId Returns the SCPD for a specified IoT Resource <hr /> <strong>GetIoTResourcesAtGateway</strong> Argument: gateway ID Returns the SCPD file for all IoT Resources at a specified gateway <hr /> <strong>GetIoTResourcesEndpoints</strong> Returns the IotResourceId, FriendlyName and the localendpoint for all  IoTResources known by the catalogue <hr /> <strong>GetIoTResourcesEndpointsFromXpath</strong> Argument: Xpath expression Returns the IotResourceId, FriendlyName and the localendpoint for all  IoTResources known by the catalogue that matches  the xpath description <hr /> <strong>GetIoTResourcesFromXpath</strong> Argument: Xpath expression Returns the SCPD file an for all  IoTResources known by the catalogue that matches  the xpath description <hr /> <strong>RegisterResource</strong> Register an IoTResource directly  not using UPnPDiscovery. <hr /> <strong>GetManualIoTResources</strong> Argument: manualIoTResources ???? Returns all  IoTResources that has registered themselves and not through UPnP <hr /> <strong>GetNumberOfIoTResources</strong> Returns the number of  IoTResources,  UPnPDevices, ErrorResources <hr /> <strong>RemoveErrorIoTResources</strong> Instructs the catalogue  to release  and forget about the IoTResources that are currently in the error list <hr /> <strong>ReScan</strong> Instructs the catalogue  to issue a new M-SEARCH  command to find new IoTResources in the network <hr /> <strong>ReStartCatalogue</strong> Instructs the catalogue  to forget about all IoTResources and ErrorResources and issue a ReScan command

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
December 14, 2014 @ 19:38:49 Peter Rosengren
December 14, 2014 @ 19:31:38 Peter Rosengren
December 14, 2014 @ 19:25:33 Peter Rosengren
December 14, 2014 @ 19:19:52 Peter Rosengren
December 14, 2014 @ 19:18:43 Peter Rosengren