Actuating on IoTResources

Wikis > > IoTResource Catalogue > Actuating on IoTResources

The IoTResource Catalogue provides  two means to actuate on an IoTResource:

  • By providing the unique identifier  of a specific IoTResource
  • By providing the local endpoint of a specific IoTResource
  • By providing a semantic description that matches one or several IoTResource

Using identifier

The keyword is IoTResource  to be supplied directly after the <catalogueendpoint> followed by the specific identifier and then the actuation expression:


Using endpoint

By first calling the action GetIoTResourcesEndpoint in the catalogue service of the IoTResourceCatalogue  you will be able to retrieve  the local endpoint of the device and can start communicating direclty with the IoTResource. This method is recommended if you need to do a massive amount of  calls to IoTResource and then you don´t have to go throught the central IoTResourceCatalogue. However, it will only work if your Application is executing in the same local network as the IoTResources.


Using Semantic Description

Provide an xpath expression directly after the <catalogueendpoint> followed by the actuation expression:



Turn on all IoTResources that are of type switchdevice:



Turn off all IoTResources that are from CNet and that currently consumes more than 200W.



One current limitation when using semantic descriptions is that the xpath expression cannot  contain the word services.